Thursday, 16 November 2017

Dogpole - Historic Shrewsbury Street Names Part 2

It seems that serious historians say the story about the origin of Dogpole is that the unusual street name is obscure and there are no plausible explanations.

I prefer the explanation provided by Martin Wood (Town Crier) who is probably more steeped in Shrewsbury history than almost anyone alive. 

In part, this is probably because as town crier, and a Shrewsbury tour guide from time to time, he has received feedback to his tours from knowledgeable people and generally more access to this information than most other people.

Using Martin Wood's article on the "Love Shrewsbury" website we created the following video to explain how Dogpole got its name:

To quote from Martin's explanation is short and simple, as follows:

"... it could be that I tell our American visitors that in medieval times dogs were not allowed in the town so they had to tie them to a post hence a dog-pole! 

But, the real reason is that part of the old inner town wall ran across this street and there was a small gate that people had to duck to get through so "Duck-hole" or, Dogpole, came into being.

how the duck hole of Dogpole may have looked
How the "duck hole" of Dogpole may have looked
NOTE: All images, apart from the pics of Dogpole buildings, are for entertainment purposes and do not depict the actual walls or "hole".

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